The Power of Abundant Relationships, and the personal transformation they bring.
A Talk by Karmin Reeves Jenkins (Abundant Living & Relationship Coach, INR’ Healing For Abundant Living, Inc)
About this Talk
To have an abundance of something is to have more than you need. It's often used to describe positive qualities, such as "an abundance of love."
Abundance is the opposite of scarcity. An abundance of wealth is a ton of cash. An abundance of friends sounds like a good thing, but it can get overwhelming when it comes to scheduling time to hang out or buying gifts. This noun comes to us from the mid-14th century French, via the Latin abundant is, meaning "fullness, plenty."
However. There often are times in the lives of people when what they desire is lacking or not existent at all.
In those times it is important to know that fulfillment and identity comes in many forms as does satisfaction.
Abundant relationships are attainable when there is a clear understanding of the “why ‘ underlying what you want.